2025 is shaping up to be an exciting year at Billsville. We’ve announced five shows and sold out four of them already. Caleb + Reeb, Fust, Palmyra, Medium Build + Petey and John Moreland - we’re thrilled to be able to present artists of this caliber.
As we enter our fifteenth year, we are exploring ways to sustain the series so that we can continue our mission. As you know, all revenue generated from ticket sales go directly to the musicians and sound engineers, but our family still absorbs the costs of hosting and housing the bands.
In general, expenses run between $250 and $350 per show.
Many of you have stepped up (some of you repeatedly) to provide, per-show donations which help tremendously towards offset our costs, and for that we are very grateful. Still, even with those very generous donations, we continue to run at a significant loss.
We're looking for businesses or individuals willing to sponsor Billsville shows and keep our operations afloat this year.
Here’s what we are thinking: If you can contribute $500 we'll include your business’s logo (or your name, or “anonymous on behalf of”) on every email we send out to our 1600-person email list for the remainder of the year. For $250 we'll do the same as plain text. No matter what you can donate, every bit helps, and we’ll show our appreciation by listing your name (if you choose to do so) on our “contributors” page on our website.
We thank you from the top of our stage and the bottom or our hearts. We could not do this without the community we have built over the years, and we value each and every one of you. In these wildly uncertain times, we know in our hearts that we still need to gather to share music, art and community - here’s to all of us!
The Billsville Team
Contact us at: to discuss
Can’t swing a sponsorship? Any amount is appreciated via Venmo - last 4 are 0906